We offer a range of opportunities for individuals to gain work experience, while being trained. This covers a range of DigiTech & Cyber activities, including work experience, apprenticeships, and mentorships. We also facilitate, where possible, career opportunities – through our Sponsors and Partners.

Apprenticeships are job-specific, so what a student learns depends on the role that they are training for. It combines ‘off-the-job’ training, where students attend specific learning with a college or Trainer (for at least 20% of the time), and ‘on-the-job’ training in a workplace, to gain and develop valuable skills, knowledge and behaviours required to successfully embark on their chosen career.
The CyberHub Trust works with Partners to facilitate, and/or deliver, Digital Technology & Cybersecurity apprenticeships.
Download this guidance document from Gov.uk – ‘A Guide to Apprenticeships’.
Institute for Apprenticeships.


The UK government emphasised that employability, rather than simply education, would be at the core of Bootcamps, which can last from 12 to 16 weeks. They therefore require quite intensive training, but deliver valuable skills, which lead to employment in the DigiTech & Cyber sectors.
Follow this link to find out more about UK Gov Skills Bootcamps.
Corporate/business work experience

Our relationships with government, law enforcement and the business community means students can also benefit from, by way of example, a trip to an Ad Agency on one day, a tour around ‘hipster’ Shoreditch on another… and a visit to ’the Old Bailey’ on yet another!
We really do offer the widest range of Employer experiences!

Through these contacts, students can learn & experience anti-hacking skills, penetration testing, Cyber Essentials accreditation, and a range of other regulatory & Cyber activity.
The Trust can also arrange visits to professional ‘Security Operations Centres’, so students can see how professional Cybersecurity specialists operate in a ’live’ environment.